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Correspondence to Author: Julián Rondón-Carvajal 1*,
Faculty of Medicine, University of Antioquia. Department of Internal Medicine, Pontificia Universidad Javeriana. Clinical Professor, Faculty of Medicine, CES University. Medellín, Colombia.
Malaria is the parasitic disease with the greatest impact on
humans. It is an infectious disease caused by protozoa of
the genus Plasmodium spp. and transmitted to humans by
the bite of the mosquito Anopheles spp. Its incidence has
increased in the tropical regions of Africa and Southeast
Asia, areas already defined by the World Health Organization
(WHO) as malarial zones [1]. In these places, malaria generally
disappears at altitudes above 2.000 meters above sea level.
The most frequently circulating parasites are P. vivax and
P. falciparum; P. malarie is also widely distributed, but less
frequent. In West Africa, P. ovale replaces P. vivax. The most
widespread species in the world is P. vivax, which has been
found from sea level to 2.770 meters above sea level. The
endemic areas, however, are generally in the tropics.
By definition, the number of parasites found in the peripheral
blood depends on the species: the highest number
corresponds to P. falciparum which infects 10 to 40% of all red
blood cells; it is worth mentioning that when parasitaemia
of this species reaches more than 25%, it is usually fatal
[2]. Multiple invasion of red blood cells is frequent with P.
falciparum, rare with P. vivax (which has a predominance of
reticulocytes) and very rare with P. malariae [1- 3]. Without
treatment, maximum parasite multiplication is reached in 2
weeks in P. vivax, and in 10 days in the case of P. falciparum.
The simultaneous presence of erythrocytic parasitic forms
(asexual and/or sexual) of two or more species of Plasmodium
spp. is called mixed plasmodial infection. If, in addition, there
are symptoms such as fever, chills, headache, sweating,
among others, it corresponds to the disease called mixed
malaria. In the world, the prevalence of this last entity is
uncertain, depending on the diagnostic method used: 2% by
light microscopy (e.g., thick blood smear [TBS] or peripheral
blood smear) and up to 65% by polymerase chain reaction
(PCR) [4]. In Latin America, prevalence is estimated at 0.46%
by TBS and 12.8% by PCR.
In terms of performance, the thick smear is 20-30 times
more sensitive than the thin smear (peripheral blood smear),
although less specific for the identification of the erythrocytic
asexual (young rings or trophozoites, mature trophozoites,
schizonts) and sexual (gametocytes) forms of the five species
of Plasmodium spp. that parasitize humans (P. falciparum, P.
vivax, P. ovale, P. malariae and P. knowlesi), which explains an
underdiagnosis of both clinical scenarios (both plasmodial
infection and mixed malaria) by light microscopy, with
serious implications for diagnostic and therapeutic guidance.
Nevertheless, some methods have been developed to improve
the diagnostic capability of TBS [2,3]:
• Fluorescent stains (acridine orange): used to increase
sensitivity of point-of-care diagnosis, without improving
specificity of species identification; additionally, some
stains may be toxic.
• Fluorescence staining + microcentrifuge: increases
diagnostic speed and sensitivity for P. falciparum; reduces
sensitivity for other species.
• Magnetic deposition: takes advantage of the magnetic
characteristics of hemozoin to precipitate the parasites
to the plate with a magnet. It is an inexpensive method.
It increases sensitivity; however, it is not species specific,
without good representation of ring stage parasites.
Among the tests mentioned in a conventional manner, PCR
has the best diagnostic performance, but its availability and
cost limit its widespread use in developing countries which,
paradoxically, are the ones with the most cases of malaria,
according to sociodemographic and climatic conditions. It has
some technical variants: conventional nested PCR, multiplex
real-time PCR and reverse transcriptase PCR. Most of these methods target genes in the 18S rRNA of the malaria parasite [4,7]. PCR-based tests can be used as initial testing of suspected
malaria cases; however, microscopy is often used to quantify parasitemia. PCR-based tests are especially useful for identifying
asymptomatic patients and submicroscopic parasitemia that are missed by microscopy and rapid diagnostic tests (RDTs).
Sensitivity and specificity for the different types of PCR range from 98% to 100% and 88% to 94%, respectively, when light
microscopy is used as the gold standard [4].
Rapid diagnostic dipstick tests identify Plasmodium spp. proteins (i.e., lactate dehydrogenase) and have a sensitivity of 75%
and specificity of 89% for mixed malaria, but are also poorly available in some endemic regions. Occult P. falciparum infections
can be detected 75% of the time with rapid diagnostic tests based on the detection of histidine-rich protein 2 (HRP2), but such
tests are of little use in detecting cryptic P. vivax infections because of their poor sensitivity. It is common for mixed plasmodial
infection to go unrecognized or underestimated, being 4-5 times higher with polymerase chain reaction (PCR) than with light
microscopy (LM): 20.22% vs. 3.48%, respectively.
In particular, infection by P. vivax can represent a diagnostic challenge in patients with suspected reinfection by the same species
vs. mixed malaria, especially in probable cases of hyperreactive malarial splenomegaly, due to the presence of fragmented
erythrocytes in the thick blood smear, product of chronic antigenic stimulation, with hypergammaglobulinemia at the expense
of IgM, which in turn could be confused with P. falciparum gametocytes (Figure 1).Cases of mixed malaria are usually detected after reactivation of an unidentified Plasmodium spp. at the start of treatment of
a malaria patient. P. vivax and P. ovale can relapse because of their ability to generate hypnozoites, which can reactivate in
numerous scenarios. The reactivation time depends on the drug used: less than 4 weeks with short half-life antimalarials (i.e.,artemisinin or quinine derivatives), and between 4 and 6 weeks with long half-life compounds (i.e., mefloquine or chloroquine).
Likewise, P. falciparum can undergo a similar “reactivation” process in the course of P. vivax malaria, the occurrence of
which can be explained by two reasons: 1. erythrocytic asexual forms that do not respond to treatment for P. vivax (such as
chloroquine) or 2. errors at the time of diagnosis or a possible prolongation of the intrahepatic phase of P. falciparum during
mixed infections [3,4].
Mixed plasmodial infection is usually double, but triple and quadruple infections exist. The emergence of one plasmodial
species after successful treatment of infection by another species is common. Plasmodial coinfections are mutually suppressive,
with P. falciparum dominating P. vivax and P. vivax attenuating the severity of P. falciparum infection. The fact that one in five
successfully treated P. falciparum patients develop a P. vivax episode shortly thereafter, and one in ten successfully treated
P. vivax patients develop a P. falciparum episode shortly thereafter, forces one to think about current treatment strategies,
especially in areas with a high frequency of mixed malaria [4].
Late identification of coinfection with P. falciparum predisposes to more severe cases due to inappropriate treatment (it may be
resistant to chloroquine) and/or more rapid progression to target organ damage due to its avidity for capillary microcirculation
in the central nervous system, splanchnic and pulmonary beds, with mortality ranging from 10-40% in non-immune adults.
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Recuperado en 17 de mayo de 2024, de h t t p : / /
7. Siwal N, Singh US, Dash M, Kar S, Rani S, Rawal C, Singh
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Julián Rondón-Carvajal. Mixed malaria: the paradox of visual diagnosis in the tropics. Annals of Critical Care and Medicine 2024.
Journal Info
- Journal Name: Annals of Critical Care and Medicine
- Impact Factor: 1.9**
- ISSN: 2770-4440
- DOI: 10.52338/accm
- Short Name: ACCM
- Acceptance rate: 55%
- Volume: 6 (2024)
- Submission to acceptance: 25 days
- Acceptance to publication: 10 days
- International Reach
- Peer Review
- Rapid Publication
- Open Access
- High Visibility