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Why Is Tuberculosis Still Extant After All Decades

Correspondence to Author:  Sin Ghaor, 

School of Information and Mathematics, Yangtze University, Jingzhou, Hubei, China.


Why Hasn’t Tuberculosis Been Completely Eliminated? Publication of “Need for Vision and Bold Innovative Research” in 2017 served as a wake-up call for health research workers (HRWs) to conduct bold, innovative research. This request, which was made purely with the intention of improving health, received no response. The cause of this has not been disclosed. Perhaps someone with little to no experience in their specialised fields mistook this for interferences with their well-established research systems. Alternatively, this could have been misunderstood as casting doubt on their own capacity to conduct original research. This article serves as another reminder to HRWs.
It has been questioned whether vaccines should be prioritised over less expensive preventive measures. It has been emphasised how important it is to regularly blow your nose to avoid many diseases that are brought on by germs that enter the body through the mouth or nose. Research has been recommended to verify nose blowing’s efficacy because, if verified, it can eradicate tuberculosis and the corona pandemic. The world has disregarded the teachings of enlightened Buddha, who said that “Every human being is the author of his own health and disease,” and renowned mind-body specialist Prof. Deepak Chopra, who asserted that “Almost all your health problems are created or aggravated by your negative thoughts.” This might be the result of apathy and the abuse of the right to free thought, which lead to dire circumstances that undermine all attempts to promote health.
explains how the creation of the “ideal holistic health care system” can result from the prudent application of several medical systems with the goal of maximising benefits. A number of scientific studies on the efficiency of each system in relation to each health issue, as well as the widespread publication and discussion of these findings, are required to develop this. An exploratory study that can provide light on the relative efficacy of treatment options accessible from three recognised systems for common diseases is a critical first step in the series of investigations. recommends a study of 100,000 people in order to cover illness throughout the year and have a sizable number of sick people for treatment under each system.
Keywords :
Tuberculosis; Vaccination; Blood; Viruses; Influenza.

Introduction:  Why Hasn’t Tuberculosis Been Completely Eliminated? Health Research Workers (HRWs) were given a wake-up call to conduct innovative research with vision when the publication “Need for Vision and Bold Innovative Research” was released in 2017 [1]. Regretfully, this received no response. As a result, I requested that copies of this article be sent to several prestigious international research institutes so that they could conduct studies on one or more of the novel topics the author suggests. There was no reply, and it’s unclear why it wasn’t accepted. This article serves as yet another reminder to HRWs, offering additional ideas for commendable, forward-thinking, and innovative research.

Acceptance of Innovative Ideas
There was no response when a copy of that article was sent to some reputable international research institutions that could pave the way, asking them to look into the efficacy of some novel concepts that the article suggested might have noble consequences. The reasons for this remain a secret, so it is impossible to even attempt to overcome HRWs’ rejection of creative ideas. One can only make educated guesses. Even though the only motivation behind these recommendations was to improve health, someone with little to no background in their specialised subjects may have mistaken them for tampering with their well-established research system. Alternatively, this could have been misunderstood as casting doubt on their own capacity to do creative research with vision. Perhaps global organisations like the World Health Organisation will explore this issue and advise HRWs on how to get over their fears and guarantee creative, forward-thinking research.

A broad perspective and in-depth analysis should be taken into consideration when selecting novel research subjects. One obvious example is the management of the corona virus. Unfortunately, vaccination is the only measure taken to prevent cases. Human rights workers should seriously question the significance of vaccination. A vaccine takes years to develop— perhaps ten years? Millions of vaccinations and mass vaccine production require time. If one is not already in place, a sophisticated cold chain for vaccines must be established. All of this indicates that immunisations can only stop the disease after many years have passed, during which time the disease’s incidence would have continued unchecked. Why should vaccination be prioritised when creating a vaccine requires significant financial investment? a highly developed cold chain to preserve it and establish a vaccination programme solely to stop cases from occurring after years of delay? If the organism mutates in a way that necessitates discarding the vaccination, then all of effort could be for naught. The lack of attempt at other preventive measures makes this even more dubious.

Close one nostril while forcing as much air as you can out the other. Next, close the other nostril and blow as hard as you can through the closed one. Every day, beginning at 8:00 AM, repeat three times through each nostril at intervals of three hours. When small viruses are present in the nose, throat, or windpipe (or possibly the upper part of the lungs), these repeated, forceful exhalations of air from the lungs (also known as “blowing nose”) will act on them like repeated “cyclone storms.” Viruses (if any) will be ejected during a violent exhalation because it is improbable that they will possess any unique traits or abilities to resist these powerful thrusts. To ensure that viruses are removed from the body, blow your nose three times. Strengthening the lungs will also aid, both generally and specifically when viruses target the lungs, which is one of their primary targets. This efficient technique should be given top attention because it is incredibly simple to use, takes less than ten seconds each time, and is highly successful. Blow your nose into a washbasin that has been thoroughly cleaned, along with the doorknob, to eliminate the chance of viruses spreading.

The research that follows is recommended: In a corona hot spot, take 40,000 people and divide them into four groups at random. As previously mentioned, individuals in three of these groups should be asked to blow their noses forcefully, while the fourth group should be maintained as a control group. One study group should be asked to blow their nose every hour, the other three at three-hour intervals, and the final group at fivehour intervals. Given the anticipated high incidence, examining the incidence of cases in each of the four groups after one, two, and three months may be sufficient. If needed, the period can be extended. This study will promptly present data regarding the degree of efficacy of the case-prevention strategy and demonstrate which is the most suitable time between blowing one’s nose should be employed.
This study suggests a few related studies. For instance, a host of other illnesses, such as the common cold, mumps, whooping cough, TB, rubella, and measles, are brought on by germs that enter the body through the mouth or nose. It is crucial to find out through controlled studies if blowing your nose a lot on a daily basis can stop the viruses that entered your body from staying there and developing these disorders. These research will have a significant impact if they support the strategy for preventing many of these diseases.
Special attention must be given to tuberculosis, as it is a serious worldwide health issue primarily brought on by tubercle bacilli entering the body through the nose. It is crucial to look into the possibility that regularly blowing one’s nose on a daily basis can help prevent tuberculosis infection.
Here is a brief explanation of one such study: the majority of children who contract tuberculosis before the age of 14 only develop the disease’s primary focus. Choose 20,000 kids between the ages of 5 and 9 from a region with a high rate of tuberculosis prevalence. Split this group into two smaller groups at random. Assign one subgroup to practise blowing their nose a lot every day, while maintaining the other group as the control group. For three years, these subgroups should be closely observed to ensure that the method is being used correctly. The children in the study and control subgroups should have their tuberculin test results checked at the end of every year for signs of primary focus and positivity.

Extending Open Mind Further to Other Areas can Enhanc Scientific Knowledge and Innovative Research with Vision
Millions of people worship the Buddha, who is said to have said, “Every human being is the author of his own health and disease.” It’s possible that the majority of scientists have disregarded this advice as a religious matter or are unaware that it was given by an enlightened person. This is the result of a closed mind that holds that intelligent people can only be scientists. Due to this serious error, they have lost out on numerous chances to conduct cutting-edge research. In his book “Ageless body and timeless mind,” renowned mindbody relations expert Prof. Deepak Chopra states that the human body is designed to last for much longer than 100 years [2]. However, persistently having negative thoughts is a barrier. Your negative thoughts are almost entirely responsible for creating or exacerbating your health issues.
The general disregard for both exhortations has resulted in a widespread decline in health. Why people do this should be thoroughly studied by HWRs. Callousness (don’t care; will not happen to me arrogance) is one issue. The other is the misapplication of one’s right to free thought. Millions of people have disregarded widespread propaganda and health-related warnings that using drugs, alcohol, and smoking is unhealthy for years as a result of this Thousands of migrants in India disregarded the lockdown precautions. Large-scale attendance at religious festivals, marriages, and other events was also prohibited. It is crucial to do psychological research as well as other studies to eradicate the kind of callousness and beliefs that lead to dangerous situations and undermine numerous attempts to enhance health. To ensure everyone’s health, it is imperative that everyone acquire health consciousness and discipline. These ought to be cultivated from an early age, for instance, by incorporating them into secondary school curricula.There are several recognised medical systems in use today. Since they think that every medical system has its own set of achievements and failures.
An exploratory study that can shed light on the relative efficacy of treatment options for common diseases offered by the three selected systems is a necessary first step in the series of studies on curative aspects. By concentrating on common illnesses, the benefits of various systems will be combined to lessen suffering for the greatest number of people, which will boost the acceptance of this pooling strategy. This will therefore contribute to the demand for this method to be expanded to include preventive and promotional care in addition to the treatment of all diseases.

Importance of These Innovative Studies
All of these recommendations validate the urgency of the wakeup call by demonstrating that HRWs have ample opportunity to conduct creative, forward-thinking research if they are willing to think creatively.Of these, the evidence supporting the habit of blowing one’s nose frequently can prevent a great deal of diseases brought on by pathogens that enter the body through the mouth or nose. This is because it will have significant short- and long-term benefits. The corona pandemic has not only resulted in approximately 70 million cases and 1.6 million deaths to date, but it has also caused nearly 600,000 new cases and more than 8,000 deaths every day. If the study investigating whether nose blowing habit can prevent new corona cases and thereby deaths yields positive findings, it can give enormous immediate benefits if practised by everyone.

In closing, I would like to highlight two proverbs: “Failures are stepping stones for success” and “It is better to try and fail than fail to try.” Prosperous scientists and inventors took these ideas to heart and experimented with courage.


Sin Ghaor. Why Is Tuberculosis Still Extant After All Decades. The Journal of Clinical Microbiology 2024.

Journal Info

  • Journal Name: The Journal of Clinical Microbiology
  • Impact Factor: 1.803*
  • ISSN: ISSN 2995-8539
  • DOI: 10.52338/Tjocmb
  • Short Name: TJOCMB
  • Acceptance rate: 55%
  • Volume: 6 (2024)
  • Submission to acceptance: 25 days
  • Acceptance to publication: 10 days
  • Crossref indexed journal
  • Publons indexed journal
  • Pubmed-indexed journal
  • International Scientific Indexing (ISI)-indexed journal
  • Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) index journal
  • Semantic Scholar indexed journal
  • Cosmos indexed journal


  • International Reach
  • Peer Review
  • Rapid Publication
  • Open Access
  • High Visibility