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Directive Publications welcomes original research articles, clinical studies, review articles, case reports, and perspectives that contribute to advancing knowledge and understanding in medical and scientific research.

A preprint is a preliminary version of a scholarly or scientific paper that is shared publicly before formal peer review and publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Manuscript Submission Guidelines
Peer-Review Process
Article Types
- Research Articles
- Review Articles
- Case Reports
- Clinical Images
- Short Communications
- Special Issue Articles
- Editorials
- Commentary
All the manuscripts that are submitted to Directive Publications journal need to be submitted in the following format:
- Cover letter
- Abstract
- Introduction
- Materials and Methods
- Results and Discussion
- Conclusion
- Acknowledgements
- References
Cover letter
- Along with the manuscript a mandatory cover letter needs to be submitted.
- Declaration of any potential conflict of interest.
- A consent confirming the approval by all the co-authors to submit the manuscript.
- Confirmation that the content of the manuscript has not been published or submitted for publication elsewhere.
- Consent confirming that the manuscript has not been published or is under consideration for publication by any other journal.
- If the manuscript is being submitted as part of a special issue, then the special issue title needs to be mentioned in the cover letter along with the manuscript title.
Title and Authorship Information
- Title of the paper
- Author complete names
- Complete mailing address of the institution
- Email addresses
Materials and Methods
Results and Discussion
Reference numbering: All the references that are being used are numbered in the order they are first mentioned. The reference numbers for tables and legends have to be used along with the parenthesis. In the event of reuse of the earlier reference, the same reference number needs to be used.
Format for references:
Examples of references
For journal articles:
Article with more than 6 authors:
For books:
Disclosure Policy
- Authors contribution.
- A statement of Conflict of interest.
- Written Acknowledgments – consent of cited content and inpiduals.
- Personal communications – written consent of cited content and inpiduals.
- In the event of usage of any copyrighted/protected material – A signed authorization from the author and publisher.
- A signed copy of the subject whose clinical images are presented for study.