Peer-reviewed publishing, also known as refereed publishing, is a process that ensures the quality and credibility of scholarly articles before they are published. Peer review involves a rigorous evaluation of the research by experts in the field who are independent of the author and the journal.
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A preprint is a preliminary version of a scholarly or scientific paper that is shared publicly before formal peer review and publication in a peer-reviewed journal.
Submit NowThe Role of C - Reactive protein in Inflammatory Diseases: Insights from a Mini-Review
CT Ventriculography Imaging of Rat Brain and Its Application in PET-CT
Effectiveness of surgical castration by bilateral sub-capsular orchiectomy as monotherapy for the treatment of advanced prostate cancer
Dissection of proteome and transcriptome reveals advantages for antifungal activity and immunocompetence in horse milk
RIRS - A Boon for The Crossed Ectopic Non-fused Kidney Calculi Patients : First Case Report
The incidence of ectopic kidney in autopsy series is around 1 in 900 otherwise it is 1 in 3000.
Comparative trial between silver nitrate and silver diamine fluoride in Tijuana’s pediatric patients: effectiveness evaluation
Carious lesions (CL) are one of the most common healthcare issues, especially prevalent in children or vulnerable population.
The Evolution of Dismounted Soldier Systems: A Comprehensive Review of GOSSRA's Innovations
The Generic Open Soldier System Reference Architecture (GOSSRA) project represents a significant step forward in the evolution of Dismounted Soldier Systems (DSS).
Osteosynthesis and Reconstruction in Neglected Neck of Femur Fracture: A single-center Study and literature review.
Our study evaluates the effectiveness of our innovative treatment for neglected femoral neck fractures.
Impact of a therapeutic educational intervention using a gamification method aimed at adolescents with type 1 diabetes mellitus
Autoimmune type 1 diabetes mellitus (T1D) is one of the most prevalent chronic diseases in the paediatric age group.
Hyalinosis:A preliminary communication regarding very interesting and provocative clinical observations.
This is a brief comment on 55 years of clinical experience and some autopsy observations with the late pathologist Prof Hans Becker.It is now recognized that vascular disease of the brain and coronary vessels.
Clinical Limitations of Non-pharmacological Comfort Tools for Needle Sticks in Neonatal Intensive Care Units (NICU)
During a neonate’s stay in the neonatal intensive care unit (NICU), they will undergo many painful, but necessary, procedures to deliver treatment and to monitor physiological status. Many of these methods will involve skin breaks by a needle.
Blastocystis sp.: frequency and typing among Irritable Bowel Syndrome (IBS) patients
Blastocystis is an intestinal protozoan that has been evaluated for its possible pathogenicity role in IBS disease. In Syria, no previous studies have focused on the presence of Blastocystis among IBS patients.
Effect of composite resin monomer BisGMA on odontogenic differentiation of human dental pulp stem cells
To study the effect of composite resin monomer BisGMA on human dental pulp stem cell (hDPSCs) odontoblasts differentiation, and explore the effect of composite resin filling teeth on dentin formation.
Use of the International Prostate Symptom Score in men with Multiple Sclerosis
Men with multiple sclerosis (MS) tend to present with urinary symptoms potentially translating to significant findings on urodynamics (UDS).

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