Popular Keywords
BRCA1 and BRCA2 Testing
Breast Cancer
Breast Cancer Imaging
Breast Pathology
Breast Reconstruction
Breast Surgery
Correspondence to Author: Jesim Yksoy,
Department of Women’s Health and Illness, Faculty of Nursing, Inönü Üniversitesi, Malatya, Turkey
BACKGROUND : Concerns about breast cancer play a significant role in
determining behaviour that supports breast cancer screening.
OBJECTIVE : To ascertain the impact of theory-based training on women with varying degrees of breast cancer anxiety towards breast cancer
DESIGN AND SETTING : Conducted two family health centres as part of
a randomised controlled experiment. METHODS: 285 women in all were
enlisted. Women with low levels of concern about breast cancer belonged to the first intervention group, which consisted of 112. Women
with high levels of concern were part of the second intervention group,
which consisted of 37 women, and the second control group, which
consisted of 43 women. The groups receiving intervention received
instruction based on theory to encourage breast cancer screening. At
one, three, and six months, the women’s readiness to have a breast
cancer screening as well as their anxiety ratings regarding the disease
were assessed.
Introduction: Among gynaecological cancers, breast cancer is the most common type of cancer and the leading cause of cancer-related
deaths. Breast cancer affects one in four cancer-stricken women worldwide. According to data from the International Cancer
Agency, 626,679 people died from breast cancer globally in 2018
and there were around 2,088,849 new cases.1. While the incidence of breast cancer is higher in developed than in developing nations, fewer people die from breast cancer in developed
than in developing nations. It is well recognised that mammography, clinical breast examinations, and breast self-examinations are crucial in the early detection of breast cancer. Because
mammography is an expensive procedure and not everyone
has health insurance and governmental funding is insufficient,
particularly in developing nations, the uptake rate for this procedure is low. Therefore, clinical breast examination (which only
has a minimal cost) and breast self-examination (which is free)
continue to be crucial diagnostic techniques. Additionally, medical professionals have the chance to provide advice on breast
cancer, risk factors, preventative strategies, and screening techniques during a clinical breast examination.
It’s critical to understand the obstacles that prevent women
from voluntarily undergoing breast cancer screening. According to Azami-Aghdash et al., fear, difficulties with transitioning
to the clinic, and a lack of knowledge were the main obstacles
preventing people from participating in breast cancer screening
programmes, in that order.7. Tuzcu and Bahar’s study in Turkey revealed that the main barrier inhibiting willingness to get
screened for breast cancer is ignorance.8 Numerous scholarly
investigations have examined the impact of education in surmounting the obstacle of inadequate knowledge about breast
cancer screening.
The idea of cancer can be unsettling or frightening. Fear is the
third most obstacle to getting screened for breast cancer and
can influence women’s decisions to get screened. Women who
are afraid or anxious about developing cancer may be more inclined to seek an early diagnosis in some cases, but in other cases, they may be discouraged.11 Research has shown that unfavourable feelings like anxiety and concern about health issues
might actually cause people to put off getting an early cancer diagnosis.13–16 The main focus of cancer-related personal education should be on examining women’s concerns about breast
cancer and their behavioural choices throughout follow-up.
Thus far, there has been little discussion of how women’s fear
and anxieties about cancer affect their behaviour and learning
process when it comes to breast cancer screening. It is anticipated that the current study will significantly advance our
knowledge of women’s attitudes and behaviours about breast
cancer screening.
Objective : The purpose of this study was to evaluate the impact of theory-based training on women who are concerned about breast cancer in order to encourage screening for the disease. Furthermore, women with varying degrees of concern about breast cancer were compared in terms of their screening habits.
Two family health centres in eastern Turkey that offered primary healthcare services were the sites of a randomised controlled
study. 3,900 women between the ages of 20 and 65 who were
registered at these family health centres made up the study’s
The sample size was calculated by a power analysis using
OpenEpi, version 3, a statistical programme that is available to
the general public. A significance threshold of 5%, an effect size
of 22%, and an 80% power to represent the population were
used in this research. Research demonstrated that each group
required a minimum of 105 women in the sample size (i.e.,
105 in the intervention group and 105 in the control group). In
terms of randomization and allocation concealment, women
were chosen from Başharık family health centre for the control
groups and Sıtmapınarı family health centre for the intervention
groups. Using basic random selection.
Blinding for group assignment was not feasible for the researchers or the participants after allocation. This occurred as
a result of follow-up interviews that were done with the ladies
and researchers. A total of 285 women completed the study
protocol: 37 women completed it in the high breast cancer-worry intervention group and 43 women completed it in the high
breast cancer-worry control group. Similarly, 173 women in the
low breast cancer-worry intervention group and 112 women in
the low breast cancer-worry control group completed the study.
These lower numbers resulted from women changing their addresses (n = 33) and wanting to withdraw from the study (n = 22)
during the data collection phase.
The following were the inclusion criteria. The participants were
literate, not pregnant or nursing, had not previously had a
mammogram, had not previously had a clinical breast examination, had not been diagnosed with breast cancer, and had
not been performing monthly breast self-examinations. The
Turkish breast cancer screening programme states that women
20 years of age and older should do a monthly breast self-examination; women 20 years of age and older should have a
clinical breast examination every two years; women 40 years
of age and older should have a clinical breast examination
annually; and women 40-69 years of age should have a mammogram annually.21 Consequently, ladies who had been performing monthly breast self-examinations were approved. as
conducting a self-examination of the breasts. Women who were
40 years of age or older were considered to have undergone
clinical breast examination and mammography if they had at
least one clinical breast examination within the first six months
following training. The largest populations around the Malatya
provincial border are served by the Sıtmapınarı and Başharık
family health centres.
Measurements : Between January 2015 and August 2017, information was gathered via a personal information form, the BCWS, and the Breast
Cancer Screening Behaviour Questionnaire (BCSBQ). Form for
personal information: The questionnaire, which was created by
the researchers, asked questions about the sociodemographic
characteristics of the women.
Questionnaire on Breast Cancer Screening Behaviour: The researchers created this questionnaire, which included inquiries
about mammography procedures, clinical breast examinations,
and self-examination of the breast.19 In Turkey, there was no
approved instrument for evaluating breast cancer screening
behaviour. According to the national guidelines that must be
adhered to during studies on breast cancer screening programmes carried out by the Turkish Ministry of Health, the
BCSBQ was created. Breast Cancer Worry Scale: This three-item
measure was created by Lerman et al. (20) to assess the degree
of anxiety about breast cancer and how it affects daily activities and mood. Subsequently, Lerman expanded the scale’s
scope beyond breast cancer to include general cancer and included six new questions.20 Timur Taşhan et al. then adapted
Lerman’s six-item cancer worry scale to evaluate just breast
cancer fears, and a Turkish validity and reliability study on the
BCWS was carried out. The five-item Likert-type scale used in
this Turkish-language validated version of the BCWS requires
respondents to select one of the following answers for each
question: never = 0, seldom = 1, sometimes = 2, frequently = 3,
or always = 4. Consequently, the lowest possible overall score
is achieved is zero, and 24 is the maximum. A total score below
12 implies minimal concern about cancer, whereas a total score
above 12 indicates significant concern.21 The Turkish-language
validated version of the BCWS had a Cronbach’s alpha reliability
coefficient of 0.78.
Procedure : The Public Health Institution of Turkey as well as the family
health centres in Sıtmapınarı and Başharık gave written consent for the study to be conducted. The Inonu University Health
Sciences Scientific Research and Publication Ethics Committee
also granted approval (April 16, 2014, under number 44). All
participating ladies gave verbal agreement prior to the study
commencing. Data from the intervention group and the control
group were gathered at the same time. The researchers scheduled phone consultations with the ladies and used in-person.
interviews to gather data in four phases at the women’s residences.
During the first interview, the women who had been chosen to
form the two control groups were given the BCWS and the personal information form to complete in order to assess their levels of concern about breast cancer. One, three, and six months
after the initial interview, follow-up interviews were held, and
the BCSBQ was given out at each visit.
After distributing the BCWS and the personal information form
to the women who were chosen to form the two intervention
groups (a high breast cancer worry group and a low breast cancer worry group) during the initial interview, the researchers
provided both intervention groups with breast cancer screening training in the form of group training (8–12 women) in the
training room of the Sıtmapınarı family health centre under
equal conditions. The women in the intervention groups received follow-up consultations through home visits in months
1, 3, and 6 after completing this training. The BCSBQ was given
out by the researchers at these intervals. The effectiveness of
the theory-based training on breast cancer screening behaviour
served as the study’s main outcome measure.Changes in the
behaviour of screening for breast cancer were the secondary.
outcome measures.
The intervention : The 40- to 45-minute single-session training was held in the Sıtmapınarı Family Health Center’s training room, which served as
an appropriate setting. The health belief model explains the low
involvement in disease prevention and screening programmes
as well as the predictors of the determinants of preventive
health behaviours.22, 23 Moreover, this model assesses the
cognitive elements that support health-promoting behaviours
in addition to explaining screening behaviour.
Numerous earlier studies have looked at the health belief model
and screening behaviour for breast cancer at the same time.22,
25, and 28 Consequently, this model was applied in the training
that was given as part of the current study in order to improve participant comprehension of the significance of breast cancer
screening. According to the health belief model, participants
would learn how to properly do breast self-examination and
comprehend the value of clinical breast examination and mammography through this training.
Result : The control group’s and the intervention group’s age, marital
status, work position, educational attainment, and economic
standing were identical. Regarding sociodemographic traits,
there was no statistically significant difference between the intervention and control groups.
From the pre-intervention test to the tests in months 1, 3, and 6,
the mean BCWS scores of the women in the intervention group
with low levels of cancer fears climbed progressively, and the
changes in the scores were statistically significant (P = 0.001).
Among the women in the control group with low levels of cancer fears, there was no difference in the mean BCWS scores between the pre-test and the tests in months 1, 3, and 6 (P = 0.096).
Among the women in the intervention group with high levels of
cancer fears, there was no difference in the mean BCWS scores
between the pre-test and the tests in months 1, 3, and 6 (P =
0.263).From the pre-test to the tests in months 1, 3, and 6, the
mean BCWS scores of the women in the control group who had
high levels of cancer fears steadily declined, and the differences
in the scores were statistically significant (P = 0.001) (Table 2).
In the first month following the theory-based training, it was
discovered that 41.6% of the women in the intervention group
and 20.5% of the women in the matching control group conducted breast self-examination, indicating that these women
had low levels of concern about breast cancer. P = 0.001 indicates that there was a statistically significant difference in the
usage of breast self-examination. Additionally, there was a
statistically significant difference (P = 0.021) in the number of
women who did breast self-examination in month six between
the intervention group (56.1%) and the control group (42%). Between the women in the intervention and control groups, there
were no differences in the rates of breast self-examination in
the third month or of clinical breast examination and mammography during the first six months following training (Table 3).
In the third month following training, 45.9% of the intervention
group’s women and 79.1% of the control group’s women performed breast self-examinations, indicating that these women
had significant levels of concern about breast cancer. There
was a statistically significant difference in the usage of breast self-examination (P = 0.020). There were no differences seen
between the women in the intervention and control groups on
the frequencies of breast self-examination in months 1 and 6,
or between having a clinical breast examination and mammography within the first six months.
Discussion : In order to combat breast cancer, it is crucial that women are
encouraged to undergo cancer screening exams on a regular
basis. On the other hand, a range of psychosocial factors influence behaviours, including the willingness to participate in
cancer screening tests.3. Anxiety, worry, and despair are just a
few of the negative emotions that can arise from thinking about
cancer.11,29 Of these psychological factors, cancer fear or worry is the most common.In this context, research is needed to determine the kinds of disparities that psychosocial factors exhibit
in relation to cultural structures and the readiness to seek early
diagnosis.The goal of the current study was to ascertain how
women’s attitudes about breast cancer screening were affected by theory-based training, based on their degree of concern
about breast cancer.
The low breast cancer worry intervention group’s women’s concerns about breast cancer increased gradually and dramatically,
according to the results of follow-ups conducted in months 1, 3,
and 6. On the other hand, the women in the control group with
high breast cancer worries experienced a steady and significant
decline in their anxieties (P < 0.05).According to Janz et al., people’s anxiety over cancer recurrence caused them to enquire
more during doctor visits. It has also been said that people are
quite likely to heed the advice of those who have a great deal of
faith in, including clergy and medical professionals.According to
Çaman et al., women were effectively encouraged to frequent
cancer screening centres by the recommendations of physicians. These authors also disclosed that women’s concern levels
were significantly influenced by the conduct of healthcare providers. According to the fundamental components of the health
belief model, the present study’s explanation of breast cancer
risk factors, lump characteristics, and treatment regimen variations based on an early or late diagnosis were categorised
under the headings of perceived susceptibility and perceived
severity.18, 25 It was believed that this information would raise
the anxiety levels of the women in the low cancer-worry intervention group while lowering the worry levels of the women in
the high breast cancer-worry control group. It was suggested that gradually losing the information was the cause of the rise
in anxiety in this intervention group.
There was a discernible difference in the breast self-examination between the low cancer-worry intervention group and
the other groups in months 1 and 6. In contrast, the high cancer-worry control group did better in month three when it came
to self-examination of the breasts. Kim et al.33 discovered that
women who worried about cancer a lot were irrationally pessimistic. Their behaviour in getting an early cancer diagnosis may
be negatively impacted by unfavourable ideas about cancer
treatment or survival, which may indicate that they do not want
to know about the cancer beforehand. Gasalberti demonstrated that concerns about breast cancer prevented women from
doing breast self-examinations,34 while Arts-de Jong et al.35
discovered a link between cancer fears and demoralisation. The
current study’s findings are consistent with those of these earlier investigations.
Other studies have demonstrated that training significantly
affects women’s willingness to perform breast self-examination9,10, undergo clinical breast examination, and undergo
mammography, despite some earlier research on the effects
of training on women’s willingness to undergo breast cancer
screening suggesting that this training had no effect in relation
to clinical breast examination9 or mammography8,9.10 Ngua et
al.’s study on cervical cancer (36) revealed that the training provided had no impact after month six. The instruction provided
had a short-term impact on the women’s behaviour, primarily with regard to breast self-examination, as demonstrated by
the results of the current study. It was noted that the degree of
cancer anxiety and the instruction provided had no impact on
the willingness to undergo the most valuable diagnostic procedures, a clinical breast examination and a mammography. The
hypothesis that “theory-based training does not affect women’s
acquisition of behaviour favouring breast cancer screening” is
partially supported by this finding. In this sense, the current
study’s findings are consistent with earlier research. Concerns
about acquiring cancer and the impression of one’s own cancer
risk are two significant variables that interact with each other,
according to numerous research.3,37–39 Within this framework, research has examined the impact of breast cancer fears
and perceptions of breast cancer risk on the willingness to get
screened for the disease. While some research indicated that
screening behaviour for breast cancer increased with worry or
perceived risk,38,40–44 another research revealed no differences.45 According to Baysal and Gozum46, a lower risk of breast cancer was linked to a higher mammography uptake rate. The
frequencies of clinical breast examinations, mammography
procedures, and breast self-examination did not alter between
the low and high cancer fear intervention groups. The hypothesis that “the level of breast cancer worry among women does
not affect the acquisition of behaviour favouring breast cancer
screening” is supported by the results of this study.
According to Amuta et al.47, this concern had a transient impact
on behaviour linked to health, and that behaviour also changed
when there was no emotion involved in making health-related
decisions. Furthermore, these investigators discovered that
anxiety about cancer had no effect on how frequently people
attended cancer screenings. In the Early Diagnosis, Screening
and Education Centre for Cancer of Turkey, Çaman et al.32 conducted a study and discovered that there was no statistically
significant correlation between the frequency of breast self-examinations and the perception of cancer risk. Furthermore,
there was no discernible correlation discovered between the
perception of cancer risk and the consideration of taking part in
breast cancer screening programmes in the future. According
to Seven et al.39, there was no relationship between women’s
perceptions of their risk of developing breast cancer and their
knowledge of the disease, breast self-examination techniques,
or mammography procedures. The current study’s findings
align with those published by Amuta et al., 32 Çaman et al., 39,
and Seven et al.
Conclusion : The current study discovered that theory-based training had no influence on willingness to undergo clinical breast examination and mammography, but it did have a partial effect on willingness to perform breast self-examination. Furthermore, it was noted that the women’s degree of worry had no bearing on the effectiveness of theory-based training aimed at promoting breast cancer screening. It is believed that these women worried after learning about the risk factors for developing breast cancer screening behaviours, but their anxiety had little effect on their behaviour. Instead, it sent them more encouraging messages; as a result, research into how this strategy affects breast cancer screening behaviour is necessary.
Jesim Yksoy. Assistance based on research to encourage women who are concerned about breast cancer to get screened. Journal of Clinical Breast Cancer 2024
Journal Info
- Journal Name: Journal of Clinical Breast Cancer
- Impact Factor: 1.8**
- ISSN: 2996-1262
- DOI: 10.52338/jocbc
- Short Name: JCBC
- Acceptance rate: 55%
- Volume: 6 (2024)
- Submission to acceptance: 25 days
- Acceptance to publication: 10 days
- International Reach
- Peer Review
- Rapid Publication
- Open Access
- High Visibility