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Journal of Environmental And Sciences, 2025, Volume 9, Issue 1, Pages: 1-17
Environmental Assessment Of The Gasification Technology And The Internal Combustion Engine With The Monte Carlo Method.
Correspondence to Author: Fatemeh Valia, and Ali Behbahaniniab.
aDepartment of the Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran
bDeparment of the Khajeh Nasir Toosi University of Technology, Tehran, Iran, alibehbahaninia@kntu.ac.ir.
The approach to clean energy sources has been a severe issue for sustainable development. Power generation from Municipal Solid Waste (MSW) must increase for the growing power demand in the sustainable development. The small-scale gasification is combined with an engine to reform the waste to energy. In this paper, the analysis of operating parameters and emissions is presented. A syngas is used for the engine feedstock for evaluation of the performance and emissions. The output power, gas composition, electrical efficiency, and exhaust emissions are measured. The model is validated, and experiments are accomplished to attain relations and parameters for modeling. Available data show that mass fractions of food, plastic, and paper, vary seasonally and daily. A Monte Carlo method is modeled by MATLAB R2019a. The mean value of net power, fuel consumption, and emission, is obtained using the Monte Carlo method. The mean values from a composition of CO, NO, and CO2 emissions are 12.46%, 11.3%, and 13.69%. The results indicate that the system has 859.5 g/kWh fuel consumption, 10.35 kW generated power, and 0.88727 power factor. The results from this paper present that gasification system combined with the engine can produce sustainable power, high electrical efficiency, and minimum emissions.
Ali Behbahaninia, Environmental Assessment Of The Gasification Technology And The Internal Combustion Engine With The Monte Carlo Method. Journal of Environmental And Sciences 2025.
Journal Info
- Journal Name: Journal of Environmental And Sciences
- Impact Factor: 1.9*
- ISSN: 2836-2551
- DOI: 10.52338/Joes
- Short Name: JOES
- Acceptance rate: 55%
- Volume: (2024)
- Submission to acceptance: 25 days
- Acceptance to publication: 10 days
- International Reach
- Peer Review
- Rapid Publication
- Open Access
- High Visibility