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Correspondence to Author: Sonali S. Patil
Associate Professor, Department of Chemistry J. S. M. College, Alibag, Raigad, Maharashtra, India.
In the current study, a novel analytical reagent called 2, 4-dimethyl-3H-1, 5-benzodiazepine (DBA) is developed for extractive spectrophotometric analysis to determine the amount of rhodium (III) in an alloy mixture. In this study, a novel analytical reagent was investigated, and its characterisation using NMR, IR, and mass spectrometer techniques was also described. When subjected to an extraction using n-butanol as the selected solvent at a constant pH of 8.9, the red-colored product produced by the reaction of Rhodium (III) and analytical reagent (DBA) provides exceptional results. Rhodium (III) ion concentrations between 1 mg L-1 and 10 mg L-1 completely satisfy the Beers law.Maximum and average molar absorption coefficient values for the coloured compound were noted to yet Sandell’s sensitivity was recorded as 0.01205 g cm-2. be 510 nm, 4863L mol1 cm-2.Rhodium (III) metal traces in alloy mixtures can be determined utilising DBA analytical reagent in a more efficient, cost-effective, and superior manner than with prior spectrophotometric extraction techniques.
Rhodium is a precious element belonging to the platinum
group that is frequently found in minerals. It is a member
of the metals group, which includes metals like Ruthenium,
Platinum, Palladium, Rhodium, Osmium, and Iridium.Due
to their remarkable physical and chemical qualities, as well
as new applications outside the jewellery and ornamental
sectors, these metals are in greater demand.Currently, it has
several applications in the realm of catalysis and cutting-edge
electrical equipment. In addition, it is in high demand for use
as a catalyst in modern electrical appliances and petroleum
refinery activities.There are other methods of extraction utilised for this purpose,
but the majority of them have certain drawbacks like taking
more time and costing more money.operation.
But among all separation techniques, solvent extraction is one
of the most popular methods for identifying rhodium metal
ions at both the micro and macro levels in supplied samples
since it is quick, precise, and affordable.[1].
Experiments were conducted utilising various analytical
reagents for the extraction of platinum group elements, such
as tributyl phosphate [2], Alamine 336 [3], BMMT [4], HMAINH
[5], and bis-(2-ethylhexyl) phosphoric acid [6]. In comparison
to the examples given above, Schiff bases (which contain
nitrogen and sulphur) showed promising outcomes when
it came to the identification and separation of a group of
platinum metals [7].
The extractive determination of rhodium (III) has also
been studied using a number of reagents, including dioctyl
sulphides [8], Kelex 100 [9], N,N-Dialkyl-N′- benzoylthioureas
[10], and trialkylphosphinesulphide [11].It has been
reported that rhodium (III) was extracted in the presence
of tin using the analytical reagent N, N’dimethyl N, N’
diphenyltetradecylmalonamide (DMDPHTDMA) [12].Sodium
malonate was used to extract rhodium (III) using N-noctylaniline as the analytical reagent [13].
Additionally, it was found that the analytical reagents cyanex
923 and cyanex 471X could be used to recover rhodium (III)
ions from bromide medium when stannous chloride was
present [14]. For the purpose of determining rhodium (III),
an experimental research utilising the reagents water-soluble
porypyrin 5, 10, 15, and 20 - tetrakis(4-N- methylpyridyl) and
porphine (TMPYM) was described [15].
The current experimental investigation shows the creation
of a precise and dependable approach for extractive
spectrophotometric measurement of rhodium (III) metal
traces employing fresh analytical reagent 2, 4-dimethyl -3H- 1,
5 benzodiazepine (DBA).
For the determination of rhodium (III) traces, the devised
method is found to be superior to the other published
extraction procedures.
2.2 Analytical reagent development (DBA)
To make the DBA reagent, as described in, 1 mole of
o-phenylenediamine and 1 mole of acetyl acetone are well
combined in 1 mole of ethanol (solvent) (Figure 1).
After that, the prepared mixture is heated in a water bath
to a constant temperature of 100 o C in a round-bottomed
glass. flask and keep it completely refluxing for two hours.
Following an elaborate process, the solution is obtained.
It is then put in an ice bath to form crystals, which are
subsequently recrystallized using ethanol as a solvent.After
being produced, the novel reagent (M.P. 274°C) is identified
by its NMR and IR spectra. Rhodium (III) metal traces can
be determined spectrophotometrically using the developed
reagent.Additionally, a 0.05% concentration stock solution of
the DBA reagent in methanol was made in preparation for
additional experimental work.
2.3 Stock Solution
By dissolving 0.255 mg of rhodium chloride (RhCl3(H 2
O)3) (Merck- AR Grade) in distilled water, a stock solution
containing 100 ml (100 ppm concentration) of rhodium(III)
metal ions was created. As and when needed, more diluted
solutions were created by diluting the necessary volume of
aliquots from the stock solution with distilled water.
2.4. pH Extraction Selection
Rhodium (III) extraction was carried out in this investigation
using a variety of buffer solutions with pH ranges from 1 to
11, while keeping a constant 1:1 molar ratio between the
organic phase and aqueous phase.After that, when the pH
rises, the absorbance falls.Therefore, it was suggested that
future research use a buffer with a pH of 8.9.
2.5. Extraction Solvent Selection
Picture 4 depicts the relationship between wavelength and
absorbance. It is clear from this figure that as wavelength
increases, absorbance similarly rises, with maximum
absorbance observed at 510 nm. Further wavelength increases
beyond 510 nm cause a sharp decline in absorbance values.
We used this wavelength’s maximum absorption value for our
further research.
3. Experimental Method for Rhodium Determination(III)
1 ml of rhodium chloride stock solution and 0.05% DBA
reagent in methanol should be well combined in a beaker.
The pH was then corrected to 8.9 by adding buffer solution.
This mixture was then combined with 10 ml of n-butanol and
put through a glass funnel for separation.The organic and aqueous phases are separated using this glass funnel.the
natural Environmental and applied ecological sciences.After
that, a spectrophotometer operating at 510 nm wavelength
is used to measure the concentration of rhodium (III) in the
688 phase.
3.1 Calibration Curve Formation, Section
In addition to the experimental approach, the absorbance of
known concentrations of rhodium (III) ions were measured
using a spectrophotometer. Rhodium (III) concentration
samples in a range of concentrations (1–10 ppm) were
generated, combined with DBA reagent, and then subjected
to extraction using n-butanol as solvent.
3.2. Choice of Rhodium (III) to DBA Molar Ratio
illustrates the use of various techniques for determining the
ideal molar ratio of rhodium (III) ions to DBA reagents. The
Job’s continuous variation method, one of the frequently used
recommended techniques, was used to confirm the extracted
species’ composition ratio.
Additionally, for the aim of validation, the results of Job’s
continuous variation approach were compared to those of
the mole ratio method and the slope ratio method. From the
aforementioned validation, it is advised to maintain an ideal
molar ratio of 1:1 between the analytical reagent (DBA) and
the rhodium (III) in subsequent experimental studies.
3.3 Impact of Different Ions
By employing the suggested analytical process to determine
100 g/mL of rhodium (III) with a known quantity of various
ion solutions, the effects of many different ions were
experimentally tested in order to validate the present
method.The tolerance criteria for a certain ion were taken
into account when the absorbance value deviated by more
than 2% from the value of rhodium (III) ions as expected.
When determining the acceptable limit for rhodium (III) ions,
the tolerated concentration of various metal ions is presented
in For the real determination of rhodium (III), the interference
effects of these ions are inhibited by a number of agents, as
shown in
3.4. Different Analytical Reagents forRhodium (III)
Determinationand Their Shortcomings
compares the use of DBA reagent and a variety of analytical
reagents by earlier studies in order to determine the presence
of rhodium (III).
Comparing the results of DBA reagents to certain previously
published reagents, it is discovered that they are in good
4. Use of the Work at Hand
With the help of the current research, the determination of
rhodium (III) ions has been successfully made.This newly
discovered technique has numerous uses in the glass,pharmaceutical, chemical, and petroleum processing sectors.
Additionally, it may be effectively used to measure rhodium
ions in synthetic and alloy sample materials.It is determined
that the newly created extractive spectrophotometric method
is superior to the older approaches.
5. FinalizationThe current experimental investigations show that a
newly created analytical reagent, 2, 4-dimethyl-3H-1,
5-benzodiazepine (DBA), is excellent for accurate rhodium
prediction (III).
The following are some advantages of the created method:
i. Synthesis of analytical reagents is simple.
ii. The extraction process is straightforward, single-stage, and
iii. The technique for quantifying rhodium calls for a very low
reagent concentration(III).
iv. The developed approach has exceptional selectivity and
virtually no anions or most cations interfere when used.
Using a proper masking agent, the area and suitability of
applications can be improved.
v. The new method’s key advantages are accuracy and
precision in addition to simplicity, sensitivity, and speed. It
may be successfully used to estimate the presence of rhodium
(III) metal ions in a synthetic mixture.
Dr. Sonali S. Patil carried out the current experimental analysis
in the JSM College Alibag’s Chemistry Laboratory.Author
expresses deep gratitude to the college’s administrative staff
for providing necessary facilities for the research.
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Sonali S. Patil. Rhodium (III) Estimation by Spectrophotometric Extraction Using a Novel Analytical Reagent. Journal of Environmental And Sciences 2024.
Journal Info
- Journal Name: Journal of Environmental And Sciences
- Impact Factor: 2.709**
- ISSN: 2836-2551
- DOI: 10.52338/Joes
- Short Name: JOES
- Acceptance rate: 55%
- Volume: (2024)
- Submission to acceptance: 25 days
- Acceptance to publication: 10 days
- International Reach
- Peer Review
- Rapid Publication
- Open Access
- High Visibility