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Correspondence to Author: Komira Bl-Yawary,
Pathology Department, Faculty of Medicine, Mansoura University, Egypt.
Background : Globally, stomach cancer is linked to significant morbidity and fatality rates. The literature shows considerable variations in the
prevalence of Her2/neu overexpression in gastric cancer. Moreover, research has shown conflicting results about its predictive significance.
There haven’t been many research done in Egypt on Her2/neu expression in stomach cancer. Thus, the purpose of this study is to assess
the expression of HER-2/neu in gastric carcinomas and explore the relationship between it and the clinicopathological features of respectable
stomach cancer in Egyptian patients.
Methods : From 2007 to 2013, 76 patients with stomach cancer had
radical gastrectomy at the Gastroentrology Centre in Mansoura, Egypt,
for the purpose of this study. Every clinicopathological finding was updated. By using a Beecher manual microarrayer, four TMA blocks were
created from formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumour tissues. Her2/
neu was immunohistochemically stained on 4 μm thick sections sectioned from TMA blocks.
Results : 35 cases (46.1%) were negative, while 41 cases (53.9%) were
positive. Positive Her2/neu expression was determined to be the only
statistically significant relationship with Lauren intestinal type. Although
this association does not approach statistical significance, Her2/neu
positive expression was linked to poorly differentiated grade, late clinical stage, deeper tumour invasion, and an increase in the number of LN
metastases. The other clinical pathologic markers and HER2/neu positive did not correlate.
Conclusion : Approximately 54% of resectable gastric cancinomas had
HER2/neu positive. The Lauren intestinal type and positive Her2/neu
expression were revealed to be the only statistically significant relationships
Keywords : Gastric cancer; Her2/neu; Carcinoma; Tumor.
Introduction: Globally, stomach cancer is linked to significant morbidity and
fatality rates. Gastric cancer ranks ninth in Egypt among all cancers, accounting for 1.7% of all cancer cases in males [1]. stomach carcinoma accounts for 90 to 95% of instances of stomach
cancer, making it the most prevalent malignant tumour. Numerous classification methods, such as the WHO classification
[3] and the Lauren classification [2], can be used to categorise
stomach cancer histopathologically. Lauren divides gastric carcinoma histologically into two main categories: intestinal-type
(which accounts for 53% to 60% of cases) and diffuse-type
(30%), with the remaining 10% being mixed or indeterminate
forms. Four main kinds of stomach carcinoma are recognised
by the WHO classification (2010): papillary, tubular, mucinous,
and signet ring cell carcinomas.
The proto-oncogene human epidermal growth factor receptor-2
(Her2/neu) is found on chromosome region 17q21.It is responsible for encoding the transmembrane tyrosine kinase receptor
protein, which controls signal transmission in cell survival, proliferation, and differentiation [4]. The initial reports of gastric
cancer in 1986 mentioned HER2 gene amplification and protein
overexpression [5]. The clinical need for Her2/neu assessment
is growing quickly in order to select patients who qualify for
trastuzumab treatment, which was recently introduced for patients with advanced gastric cancer [6]. Due to inherent variations in tumour biology, such as inadequate membrane staining
and intratumoral heterogeneity of Her2/neu expression, which
are frequently detected in gastric tumours, Her2/neu testing
for gastric cancer differs from testing for breast cancer [7]. The
prevalence of Her2/neu overexpression in gastric cancer ranges
greatly in the literature from 4.4% to 53.4% [8]. Moreover, research has produced conflicting results about the prognosis significance of Her2/neu; most studies have suggested that Her2 neu exhibits more aggressive biological behaviour and greater recurrence frequencies, whereas a small number of studies
have not supported the prognostic relevance of Her2/neu [9].
There haven’t been many research done in Egypt on Her2/neu
expression in stomach cancer. Therefore, the purpose of this
study is to assess the expression of HER-2/neu in gastric carcinomas and explore the relationship between it and the clinicopathological features of Egyptian patients’ resectable stomach
This retrospective analysis was carried out on 76 patients with
stomach cancer who, between 2007 and 2013, underwent radical gastrectomy at the Gastroentrology Centre in Mansoura,
Egypt. Age, gender, location, size, shape, histological type as
classified by the WHO and Lauren, WHO tumour grade, depth
of invasion (T), lymphovascular invasion, perineural invasion,
number of lymph node (LN) metastases, distant metastasis, and
TNM staging were all revised clinicopathological data.
Using formalin-fixed, paraffin-embedded tumour samples,
Beecher manual microarrayer was used to create four tissue
microarray (TMA) blocks. Cut sections (4 μm thick) from TMA
blocks were immunohistochemically stained and then mounted on coated slides. The DAKO kit was utilised, which is the
Peroxidase/DAB+, Rabbit/Mouse, Produktionsvej 42, DK-2600,
Glostrup, Denmark, Detection System. The enzyme and chromogen used are horseradish peroxidase and diaminobenzedene hydrochloride (DAB). Membranous stain that was clearly brown was regarded as positive. Each core’s proportion of
Her2/neu immunopositive tumour cells was calculated in the
area with the highest density of these cells. When less than 10%
of tumour cells exhibited faint, incomplete membranous or basolateral staining, it was deemed negative (Score 1). When 10%
or more of immunopositive cells exhibited weak to moderate
membranous or basolateral staining, it was deemed positive
(Score 2). Positive (+3) is defined as basolateral or strong complete membranous staining of at least 10% immunopositive
cells [10]. Scores of (0) and (1) were regarded as negative cases,
whilst scores of (2) and (3) were regarded as positive situations.
35 cases (46.1%) were negative, and 41 cases (53.9%) were positive (Figure 1). According to Lauren categorization, the only statistically significant relationship between Her2/neu expression
and histological type was discovered to be more expressed in
intestine type (P=0.03) (Table 2). Although not statistically significant (p=.827), we found a higher percentage of HER-2/neu
positivity among poorly differentiated grade tumours (61.5%
were HER-2/neu positive versus 38.5% were HER-2/neu negative). Similarly, higher depth of tumour invasion (53.6% of pT3
were HER-2/neu positive versus 46.4% were HER-2/neu negative), increasing number of LN metastases (60% of cases that
have >9 LN metastasis were HER-2/neu positive versus 40%
were HER-2/neu negative), and late pathological stage (85.7% of
stage VI were HER-2/neu positive versus 14.3% were HER-2/neu
negative) were all associated with Her2/neu positive expression
(Table 2). This correlation, while, is not statistically significant.
Over the past ten years, there has been increased interest in
the overexpression of the Her2/neu molecule in gastric cancer
and its relationship to the disease’s prognosis. In this investigation, we looked at Her2 expression in 76 gastric cancer specimens that had a radical gastrectomy. Our study’s estimated
rate of Her2/neu positivity is 54%, more than twice as many
positive tumours as those reported by Giuffrè et al. [11], who
found a Her2 overexpression rate of 21.10% in a small cohort
of gastric adenocarcinomas. Furthermore, in two recent Egyptian studies, the overall HER2/neu positive rate was 28.8% and
11.1% [12,13]. This could be explained by the following: 1-Due
to budgetary constraints, we did not undertake Fluorescence in
Situ Hybridization in this investigation; hence, we regarded all
cases with scores of 2+ and 3+ as positive. 2. Because we used
TMA sections and they used whole tissue sections, there are
methodological differences between our data and theirs that
make comparisons challenging. 3. While in our investigation we
considered entire membranous or basolateral staining of ≥ 10%
immunopositive cells as positive, Ishaky et al. [13] determined
HER-2 positivity as continuous membranous staining in at least
10% of tumour cells.
Reports on the overexpression of Her2/neu in gastric cancers
range from 8.2% to 62.5% [14]. There may be a difference in
the populations behind this disparity in the frequency of Her2/
neu positivity. Also, the adoption of varied scoring standards
for immunostained slides of stomach cancer may reveal to be
an important cause in this different range [15]. Additionally, methodological variations could be the cause of the disparity in
these results, particularly when considering TMAs and tumoral
protein expression heterogeneity. Furthermore, it is improbable that all intestinal-type tumours arise from the same outside
sources, which could account for the variations in HER-2/neu
overexpression predominance. documented in a number of investigations [16].
Numerous studies, including the ToGA trial, have demonstrated that the pathological characteristic most consistently linked
to HER-2/neu positive is the Laurén’s intestinal subtype [17].
Comparably, our research demonstrated a substantial distinction between the overexpression of Her2/neu in diffuse gastric carcinomas, which were more expressed in the intestinal
type, and Laurén’s intestinal carcinomas. Given the significant
correlation between intestinal type and Her2/neu positivity as
well as the high prevalence of Laurén’s intestinal subtype in our
patients (about 62% of cases), this could account for the high
percentage of Her2/neu positive tumours in this study cohort
(approximately 54%). Hashem et al.’s recent Egyptian study
[18] discovered that Her-2 was overexpressed in roughly 10%
of cases. Their group revealed a complete domination of the
diffuse-type Laurén’s Her2/neu is a novel therapeutic target for
gastric cancer, however its significance as a prognostic indicator
for this tumour remains debatable. In fact, HER-2/neu overexpression has been shown in several trials to be a poor prognostic marker in gastric cancer [19]. Although this association
does not approach statistical significance, the study found that
the presence of Her2/neu positive status was linked to clinicopathological characteristics of tumour development, including
greater grade, late stage, deeper invasion, and an increasing
frequency of LN metastases. HER2 overexpression is substantially more common in advanced gastric cancer tumours with
tubular histotype, high histological grade, advanced stage, and
high Ki-67 labelling index, indicating that it may be a poor prognostic factor [19].
Similar to Fassan et al. [20], our investigation revealed no correlation between the age or gender of the patients and HER2/ neu positive. Additionally, in line with Chua et al. [21], we were unable to find any evidence of a significant relationship between Her2 expression and the location, size, or form of the tumour. In line with Chua et al. [21], HER2/neu positive in our series did not substantially correlate with lymphovascular tumour emboli and perineural invasion. El-Gendi et al. [12] have revealed a noteworthy correlation between the pathologic T stage and the HER2/neu positive status and lymphovascular emboli.
Approximately 54% of resectable gastric cancinomas had HER2/
neu positive. The Lauren intestinal type and positive Her2/neu
expression were revealed to be the only statistically significant
relationships. HER2/neu positive did not correlate with any other clinical pathologic criterion.
Komira Bl-Yawary. Her2/neu Expression by Antigen-antibody in Patients with Gastric Carcinomas. The Journal of Clinical Pathology 2024.
Journal Info
- Journal Name: The Journal of Clinical Pathology
- Impact Factor: 1.7
- ISSN: 2995-8598
- DOI: 10.52338/Tjocp
- Short Name: TJOCP
- Acceptance rate: 55%
- Volume: 6 (2024)
- Submission to acceptance: 25 days
- Acceptance to publication: 10 days
- International Reach
- Peer Review
- Rapid Publication
- Open Access
- High Visibility