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Introduction to Human Attention and Visual Cognition.

Correspondence to Author: Thomas Sanocki, 

Department of Psychology, University of South Florida, Tampa, FL 33620, USA.

Introduction: It is crucial for humans to be able to quickly perceive, understand, and respond to visual information in a world where things are happening faster and more complicated. The study of visual cognition focuses on these mechanisms. Furthermore, considering the intricacy of stimulus data, The attentional processes of selection and prioritization are essential to visual cognition. Through general review pieces and intriguing studies, this Special Issue will provide up-todate, enlightening, and readable research on these topics for a broad readership of knowledgeable people. The human brain’s amazing capacity to “grasp” the meaning of a novel, unexpected, complex scene in a split second is one of its most amazing features. This accomplishment is the product of complex concurrent and parallel procedures that start with the input scene, but the brain quickly incorporates pertinent semantic and additional information. Nurit Gronau’s first Review piece [1] offers a perceptive study agenda on the function of attention at the interface between vision and semantic knowledge. The study makes use of settings and objects that have meaning, as well as meticulous experimental manipulation of task relevance and spatial attention in short visual displays. The studies reach clear findings about task, attention, and quick visual comprehension. Top-down attention is discussed in Thomas Sanocki and Han Lee’s Review paper [2]. Which objectives and goals have the strongest effects on the way the mind processes information? The first section of the article provides a historical overview of the main subjects covered in the field of study. The study then focuses on two of the most potent experimental impacts on mental processing: one that is related to task configuration, and the other that is related to the a timely focus of attention. The notion that attention initiates important processes over the course of seconds, with important ramifications, expands on the temporal component of attention in the work. Behavioral science has not properly recognized the resource and computational challenges that occur since our human subjects are fully outfitted with advanced gear. Of course, as computer imaging and vision researchers are aware, these difficulties become evident when one constructs a vision system from the ground up. Scholar John Tsotsos is who has a dual perspective on human and machine thought, and who has dedicated his illustrious career to studying computational and resource problems associated with attention and vision. He gladly agreed to produce a viewpoint paper on attention at our request [3]. From a high vantage point, he addresses computation and attention. He starts by raising a crucial query regarding attention research: “What precisely are we trying to understand?” Next, Tsotsos summarizes assertions regarding focus and vision at The cognitive and imaging sciences benefit from the discovery and growth of interdisciplinary relationships, but there aren’t many well-established forums for brand-new interdisciplinary empirical research. Therefore, we are pleased to offer two empirical studies that aid in bridging The worlds of computer imaging and behavior. While still innovative and scientific, these articles are not as overwhelming as a standard behavioral paper. Under the JOI title Research, studies are published based on their uniqueness and potential interest to a broad readership. Researchers Naoyuki Awano and Yuki Hayashi [4] examined the Psychological Field Potential feature, which is calculated from image outlines. The effectiveness of this characteristic to assist in object classification is investigated by the researchers, who compare it to other picture features in terms of its capacity to forecast the history of human eye fixations during the classification of line-drawing images by humans. We leave the lab and enter a palace (!) with Serena Mandolesi and associates [5]. They specifically show us the Studiolo del Duca in Urbino, Italy—a single room replete with artifacts and historical information. There is a lot to look at in this area, but how can we see people interacting with the visuals as they freely wander around it? The researchers track and map the attention of non-expert visitors using eye tracking technology to get information about patterns of comprehension.Every work has undergone a thorough evaluation for readability and integrity in addition to meeting standard standards. We hope your reading will be both entertaining and educational.


Thomas Sanocki. Introduction to Human Attention and Visual Cognition. The Journal of Imaging 2024.

Journal Info

  • Journal Name:The Journal of Imaging
  • Impact Factor: 2.207*
  • ISSN: 3064-6936
  • DOI: 10.52338/tjoi
  • Short Name: TJOI
  • Acceptance rate: 55%
  • Volume: 7 (2024)
  • Submission to acceptance: 25 days
  • Acceptance to publication: 10 days
  • Crossref indexed journal
  • Publons indexed journal
  • Pubmed-indexed journal
  • International Scientific Indexing (ISI)-indexed journal
  • Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) index journal
  • Semantic Scholar indexed journal
  • Cosmos indexed journal


  • International Reach
  • Peer Review
  • Rapid Publication
  • Open Access
  • High Visibility