Popular Keywords


Diagnostic medical imaging

dosimetry and pharmacokinetics / pharmacodynamics of radiopharmaceuticals

Hybrid scanning techniques

Interventional nuclear medicine

In-vitro radionuclide

Writings preserve our present, give birth to our future, and encapsulate our past.

Correspondence to Author: Amilia Jomdieri. 

Medizinische Klinik IV, Klinikum der Universität München, 80336 Munich, Germany.


For those who are lucky enough to regularly peruse newspaper pages, reading can prove to be a devoted and valuable companion throughout one’s life. A newspaper is an immediately available source of information that can be consulted at any time of day and always enriches one’s experience. This is true for all magazines, including those that are scientific, sports, political, or just for general knowledge. Since working with Professor Buraggi as a young assistant at the Istituto Nazionale dei Tumori in Milan in 1973, one of the most frequent references in my professional life has been the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine. My understanding of nuclear medicine has grown month by month thanks to this journal, which also provided me with the chance to inform my social circle about new developments and advancements in technology within our field. Initially, our department received only the copy that our Director had subscribed to. Envious, Professor Buraggi retained the entire collection in his office. The entire department was eager to read each new issue, and there was competition within our group to be the first to do so. I quickly realized that in order to gain access to this news source and be able to predict a topic that my colleagues would find interesting, I had to open a personal subscription. In my career as a nuclear medicine physician, I recall that receiving a personal physical copy of the journal directly, with my name emblazoned on the package, was a significant accomplishment and akin to liberation. How many ideas and impulses were generated by the discussion of the articles? How many thoughts about how we could incorporate some novel ideas or recent discoveries into our everyday lives? How many frustrations stemmed from the knowledge that some innovations would never be impossible to implement in real life? Upon reflecting on nearly 50 years of experience in our field, I see that the last 30 years have seen significant advancements and changes in the field of nuclear medicine. A multitude of radiopharmaceuticals have been created. encompassing a large variety of illnesses. Artificial intelligence, hybrid imaging, and the introduction of SPECT and PET are just a few examples of the tremendous advancements in technology that we have witnessed. Nuclear medicine is now a central topic for basic and clinical research as well as for its integration into the healthcare system, despite other significant changes to techniques, instruments, procedures, and laws. Of course, during the past few decades, the journal has undergone numerous changes in both format and content. I recall the initial editorial appearance with the blue and white cover; the transition to the new, sophisticated color cover; the title’s integration with Molecular Imaging; the adjustments made to the editorial layout. The journal’s history has been shaped by the successive Chief Editors Peter Ell, Ignasi Carrio, and Arturo Chiti; also, the Impact Factor has been continuously improved to become the most reputable international magazine of Nuclear Medicine. Why does our journal hold such a unique significance and significance? The official publication of the European Association of Nuclear Medicine (EANM) is the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. The journal’s remarkable achievement is comparable to that of the EANM, a significant organization that is acknowledged by government agencies as well as scientific and medical associations and serves as the discipline’s representative on the European continent. The journal reaches all members of the EANM, but it also provides a forum for a much broader community by bringing together representatives of various scientific associations and almost all professional groups involved in nuclear medicine and related fields, including technologists, radiologists, physicists, radiochemists, radiopharmacists, and radiologists. With a significant influence on clinical practices, particularly in the fields of cardiology, neurology, and oncology, both the authors and readers represent a large community involved in a vibrant exchange of ideas, knowledge, and information. Throughout my professional career, I have had the pleasure and honor of making numerous contributions to the European Journal of Nuclear Medicine and Molecular Imaging. I was on the editorial board for a while. I got the chance to work with some excellent collaborators to publish several original publications. I have penned numerous editorials, reviews, and letters to the editor. Specifically, I would like to bring to your attention that in 2003, while serving as the EANM Oncology Committee coordinator, I proposed and secured the publication of six EANM Procedure Guidelines for Tumor Imaging. These guidelines are aimed at standardizing various clinical protocols that are currently employed in everyday clinical practice, including 131I/123I MIG, 67Ga, 18F FDG PET scintigraphy, and breast and bone scintigraphy. The most esteemed European oncology colleagues (R. Baum, A. Bishof-Delaloye, J. Buscombe, J. F. Chatal, L. Mafoli, R. Moncayo, L. Mortelmans, S. N. Reske, C. Aktolun) were invited to collaborate as coauthors. We had a great time in a number of in-depth discussions, and we introduced these rules as a unique “blue pages” journal educational session. This was an instance of a collaborative effort between the journal and the EANM to provide the global nuclear medicine community with access to standard clinical protocols. As co-editors of a commemorative book, my friend Savas Frangos and I wrote on the occasion of the EANM’s 25th anniversary that the core of our discipline is the ethical and regulatory framework for the responsible use of radiation in medicine (Fig. 1). Two of the greatest ancient Greek philosophers, Democritus and Hippocrates, develop these views, which foresaw the discovery of radioactivity and served as the foundation for modern medical practice. The displacement of the arthrodesis surface against neutral stress, dorsifexion intorsion, intorsion, and extorsion was smaller in the fxation model with two crossed screws and anterior plates than in the other three models, according to our analysis of the experimental results, which clearly showed this to be the most stable configuration out of the four models. The majority of forces were centered in the middle regions of the compression screws, plate joints, and plate bending portions, according to the stress distribution and stress peak. This suggests that after ankle arthrodesis, the materials used in these areas should be strengthened and thickened to avoid fractured screws and plates.


Amilia Jomdieri. Writings preserve our present, give birth to our future, and encapsulate our past. The Journal of Nuclear Medicine 2024.

Journal Info

  • Journal Name: The Journal of Nuclear Medicine
  • Impact Factor: 1.6
  • ISSN: 3064-6871
  • DOI: 10.52338/tjonm
  • Short Name: TJONM
  • Acceptance rate: 55%
  • Volume: 7 (2024)
  • Submission to acceptance: 25 days
  • Acceptance to publication: 10 days
  • Crossref indexed journal
  • Publons indexed journal
  • Pubmed-indexed journal
  • International Scientific Indexing (ISI)-indexed journal
  • Eurasian Scientific Journal Index (ESJI) index journal
  • Semantic Scholar indexed journal
  • Cosmos indexed journal


  • International Reach
  • Peer Review
  • Rapid Publication
  • Open Access
  • High Visibility